Everyone loves chocolate, or almost everyone does. For many it is a delicacy that is spoiled in once in a while. It is made from cocoa beans, which are very nutritious and good for your health. Chocolate is known as a junk-food, despite the fact that it contains cocoa. It is this ingredient, but the processing it has undergone, which gives it a bad reputation. The addition of milk, refined sugar and other flavorings is what chocolate unhealthy. Inits natural state, chocolate can be very useful. One type of unprocessed chocolate, especially dark chocolate, or is regarded as a healthy food. This is the type of chocolate used in the manufacture of chocolate smoothies.
Recipes for chocolate smoothies abound, a testimony to the fact that there are loved by many people. The usual fruits are paired with him bananas, strawberries, raspberries and cherries. The more adventurous and exoticRecipes to try, pineapple or passion fruit mixed with chocolate, but it is doubtful that most people these mixtures would find palatable. It is best to use raw, organic chocolate chocolate for smoothies. Since this is not sweetened, it might use a temptation, chocolate syrup or other sweeteners that contain refined sugar. This should be avoided as much as possible. Honey is a sweetener acceptable, although a better alternative to mixing, wouldin sweet fruits such as bananas. Appointments can also be used as add their high sugar and fiber content is a natural sweetness and bulk, the drink.
An example of chocolate smoothie recipe that calls for promotion of energy-half cup of soaked cashews, four small dates, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder and 2 bananas. The nuts are mixed with a half cup of water and blended them first to the breakdown in cashew milk. Another half cup of water is addedmixed with the data, chocolate and bananas, and, until the consistency is very creamy and smooth.
The banana chocolate smoothies offer Potassium strengthens the arteries, preventing strokes and keep muscles working properly. The fruit also has properties that neutralize stomach acid and heal damaged stomach linings. The chocolate, on the other side contains strong antioxidants that prevent cardiovascular disease, lowers bad cholesterol,detoxifies the body, act as a natural antidepressant and promotes the well-being. It also has important minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc and potassium. Cocoa contains fats, but they are the healthy way, that increases the level of good cholesterol in the body. Contrary to popular belief, reduces appetite and eating chocolate will assist in weight loss.
Chocolate Smoothies are good for the body? The answer is a resounding yes, as long as the cocoa is used raw. SoNext time when you are craving chocolate, why not stir up a glass of this delicious drink? You will achieve your desire to enjoy with no regrets and all the healthy benefits at the same time.